Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Acne - boils

Acne boils tend to be red, painful, sore, big, filled with liquid (pus or blood). They can appear anywhere on the face or body but often on the cheeks, the temples or the back.

This kind of acne is not age-related but more diet-related.

What you need is to cool the temperature of the blood and soften the hard lumps. You also need to move the circulation and support the body. Add these ingredients often to what you already eat. You can combine this diet with the weight  control diet ( which in this case is not related to weight but to how your body processes fats and liquids.

Print this out and go shopping!

Grains: Buckwheat, millet (These two grains lower the inflammation and soften the lumps)
Vegetables: Aubergine, courgettes, cucumber, potato (not chips), squash, watercress, oyster mushroom (These vegetables regulate heat inside the body)
Fish: Anchovy (Tonic for the body and helps with pustules)
Fruit: Blueberries, orange peel (These two detox and help the circulation)
Beans: Blackeyed beans, broad beans, lentils (Support the constitution)
 Management of this skin condition
With this type of acne, besides wanting to cover it which you can do with cosmetics, the main issue is to avoid long term scarring which can happen and can be deep and difficult to remove.
If you are on antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor, get into the habit of adding orange peel to your drinks - it helps the body deal with the effects of the antibiotics.
Apart from medical intervention, go to a beautician and learn how to manage the spots with pus. You only need to go once, but they will show you how to deal with them professionally without spreading the infection.
If you have large areas of the face or body covered with this kind of acne, ask you doctor or a professional trained beautician to recommend you for laser treatment.
 More information go to:

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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Forehead spots

Forehead spots are typical of teenagers and are caused by a mixture of hormones and diet issues.

Here is a list of foods that you can incorporate into your diet to help you control them.  Note, this is an advisory diet, not a substitute for diagnosed medical conditions. Avoid self-diagnosis or singling out ingredient, all my diets act in combination.

Eat two to three portions of these foods every day. The idea is to support your body and get your blood to clear out the spots. These foods also cool you down somewhat, reducing the redness and swelling.

Drink the teas, make some fruit shakes, enjoy yourself and get rid of these spots!!!

Print this and go shopping!

Grains: barley, millet, wheat bran (Cool the body and improve the circulation)

Vegetables: asparagus, button mushrooms, radishes, squash, watercress, celery, lettuce, marrow, courgettes, aubergines, broccoli, spinach (As well as cooling your blood, these vegetables make your body stronger)

Beans: mungbeans, soyabeans (To support the constitution)

Fruit: mango, orange, tangerine, strawberries, blueberries, avocado, mandarin, pear, kiwi (All these fruit help the digestion)

Condiments: sesame oil, soya sauce (These are moistening and softening)

Teas: chamomile, elderflower, green tea, black tea, mint, spearmint (These teas are calming, soothing, cooling and gently move the circulation)

 Dealing with the spots
Use cleansers and antiseptic, dedicated cosmetics that you find in high street; they are cheap and they should give you good results.

Try not to touch, pick at, or squeeze your spots because you will end up with more.  If the spots are drying don't pick them as you'll get a scar.

If they are annoying you, it's best if you leave them alone and cover them with foundation.

Jamie's inspiration

To find out more go to :
Photo: (
Photos and recipes (Jamie Oliver)